The Plank length is defined. The tetractys, or t boson, is an electromagnetic field unit mathematically described as a equilateral 2d geometric simplex that acts as a inductor where the electric field creates a negative-positive transform based on the position of observer and a north south magnetic dipole flip. These quanta moving through a point in space per unit of time is its linear vector velocity moving in the direction of its base to the tip. These quanta, when they move towards each other, behave via the law of interaction, and thus ++ – repel and +- -+ attract, and when you stack these geometries together, you create every possible field that could exist in the universe. The nature of the origin of these fields is incalculable, however, we can still generalize mathematical formulations for the states that result.


There are no such thing as point particles. Such an idea gives rise to numerous logical and mathematical fallacies. For instance, how many edges are there in a circle. You cannot make a circle in the universe. You also cannot divide something by nothing. Therefore no point particle can ever quantize anything, because it has no length, no width, and no height, and therefore no mass.


The postulate that therefore the universe is made up of countless 1-dimensional vibrating strings comes to mind. To follow the laws of geometry, to create a 2d space out of the smallest possible combination of 1d lines is to create a simplex. I am currently searching for the descriptions in pincipa.*** These closed geometric strings store energy between/towards themselves and behave like a short-circuited ideal quantum inductive loop battery, where the light circulates in either a clockwise or anticlockwise direction indefinitely until it encounters an opposing force.


The number of quanta in a field is denoted as Tau. So, a radiant photon of light, which has a +- boson arrangement, has 2 2d electromagnetic fascia, just like 1 is a singular planck quoin. This nunber is infinitely scalar to all field and matter arrangements.


The mass of a field is defined by the number of planck quanta, or m = h. via the law of interaction, we can only join these fields in certain ways. Planck Field units stack in odd Number energy levels. The velocity increases Proportional to the mass as we know from einsteins mass velocity equation. Linear momentum is equal to mass times velocity as we know from p=mv. c is not a limit. Measuring 2d fields is done on a c^2 Cartesian coordinate plane.  


The energy of a photon in [eouo] or perfect vacuum with 2 bosons is defined as E = mc^2 or E = hv where h is the number of planck units and v is the number going by a point per second squared. This is a hypothetical mathematical observation of an instance that cannot exist, the presence of perfect vacuum only exists in the energy-vacated regions inside matter topologies themselves. The energy of any electromagnetic wave will vary based on the permittivity and permeability of the medium it is passing through.



In order to create 3d mass with these 2d quanta, we have to rotate them in 3d space. This is defined by a c^4(4 axis)spherical spacetime coordinate system. Time adds a 5th axis, but in 4 dimensions.


In order to embue our quanta with 3d glasses, we must give them a angular momentum instead of a linear momentum.


OMEGA = QAM = Quantized Angular Momentum


So instead of just moving on a flat 2d plane, we can now assign a variable for a rotation of this geometry around a point and define the rate as O. This is not a vector rotation around a point but defines the spin around the velocity vector. If you have a mass m, and you know h, you find O = m/h. Because h = mO when E = hv = mc^2 = mOv^2, we see these equations unify in a dimensional context.


AI to clarify:


- **Dimensional Consistency:**

  - Planck's constant (\(h\)) has dimensions of action, \([h] = \text{Joule}\cdot \text{seconds}\).

  - Mass (\(m\)) has dimensions of \([m] = \text{kilograms}\).

  - \(\Omega\) therefore must have dimensions such that \([h] = [m][\Omega]\). This means \(\Omega\) has dimensions of action per unit mass, or \(\text{Joule}\cdot \text{seconds}\cdot \text{kilograms}^{-1}\).


This is covered In Detail in abrahams lectures.


So now that we can rotate our quanta and move them in a straight line and have defined the 2 rules for their interaction which will cause them to move in 3 dimensions, we can start to form topologies. Topologies are created when 4 tetractys spin together to form a standing wave tetrahedral Platonic solid via the law of interaction in 3d space. These tetryons are made of 4pi fascia and can form 4 different field arrangements only within law of interaction, and can only interact with each other according to those respective charge arrangements. When tetryons come together, 1 edge = weak all 3 edges = strong force. 3 negative tetryons = leptons = electron. 3 positive tetryons = positron. 2 different neutral arrangements = neutrinos. strong force muons = quarks. 9 strong force tetryons = quark. 2 ud quarks + 1e- = H-2. Therefore deuterium has 21 tetryons and Tau = 84.


The arrangements of the entire standard model depend on the number and arrangement of planck quanta. This can be expanded to the entire periodic table and even proteins have emerged in computer simulations out of these structures proving once and for all the fractal nature of the universe.


When these fields collide with already formed matter topologies, it would take a lot of energy to overcome the columbs force to break the fields back apart. That's why the electromagnetic field properties[eouo] are so important to define. This explains why 2d fields can pass through 3d matter. It also will determine the success or failure of particle collisions.


Armed with this knowledge, we can deduce that Tau*pi[eouo][mO/c^4v^2] is the unified field equation for any quanta arrangement in 3d space. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction but not position. We can only know a position in space within our observable bounds.




**Velocity (\(v\))**

- **Vector Quantity:**

  - Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the magnitude (speed) and direction of motion. It can be represented as \( \vec{v} = (v_x, v_y, v_z) \).

- **Relation to Position:**

  - Velocity is the rate of change of position with respect to time. Mathematically:


    \vec{v} = \frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}


    where \( \vec{r} = (x, y, z) \) is the position vector. 


Still, the equation successfully fulfills Laplace daemon and will allow a supercomputer to perform any simulation or calculation as the positions of photons in a field are deterministic over a differential.


When 2d mass energy waves overlap, their primary resonance superpositions through a forier transform.


When 3d mass energies collide with enough force, they either break apart into their constituent 2d mass energy bosons. If the force is insufficient, they will simply gravitate towards each other and connect at their edges or faces depending on the charge orientations.


We must further investigate the nature of fields and their Superpositions in order to determine macroscopic effects of the particle states. It is through the study of t theory that we can fully understand why light is EM waves, why gravity is the result of EM orientations, and how electrostatic fields work.


Using these mechanics we can determine the nature of reality, life, and maybe even death itself.