The particle J/Psi
The November Revolution
This is huge because it equates an equation to a particle?
H.E.S.S. Observatory Detects Unprecedented High-Energy Cosmic Rays
Gamma rays detected on Earth provide valuable insights into their origins because they travel through space undisturbed. However, understanding charged particles, or cosmic rays, is far more challenging. These particles are constantly deflected by the magnetic fields that permeate the Universe, causing them to reach Earth isotropically—that is, from all directions. Along the way, they lose energy through interactions with light and magnetic fields. These energy losses are particularly significant for the most energetic electrons and positrons, known as cosmic-ray electrons (CRe), which carry energy exceeding one teraelectronvolt (TeV)—a staggering 1,000 billion times the energy of visible light.[1]
Top quarks are the heaviest elementary particle. They were first discovered in 1995 at the Fermilab particle accelerator in the CDF and DØ experiments – both originally designed to discover the identity and properties of elementary particles. With a +2/3 elementary charge, the top quark has a mass almost 3,500 times that of an electron , resulting in the quark having an extremely short lifetime – roughly 4 x 10^-25 s.