Who knows wtf this says cause i cant fkin afford to read it!!!
Origin of life and Emergence to conciousness
Consciousness Might Hide in Our Brain’s Electric Fields https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/consciousness-might-hide-in-our-brains-electric-fields/
Hydrogen Ion Energy Switch - Key to Life 2
Researchers develop light-guided siRNA delivery system based on cyanobacteria https://phys.org/news/2024-11-sirna-delivery-based-cyanobacteria.html
Labeling cells with barcodes: New CRISPR technology reveals how cells communicate https://www.thebrighterside.news/post/labeling-cells-with-barcodes-new-crispr-technology-reveals-how-cells-communicate/
Competitive exclusion among self-replicating molecules curtails the tendency of chemistry to diversify
Sand to supercomputer
From sand to superposition: A key step toward a powerful silicon quantum computer https://phys.org/news/2024-11-sand-superposition-key-powerful-silicon.html
There used to be an article we taught rocks to do math that I have been unable to locate for some years.
Time could be measured in the brain this way?
The Secrets of Life’s Most Essential Molecule: Scientists Unravel Water’s Mysterious Anomalies https://scitechdaily.com/the-secrets-of-lifes-most-essential-molecule-scientists-unravel-waters-mysterious-anomalies/
My friend I must send you this brilliant interview. https://youtu.be/8OhMmjlYvxU?si=RzI497KDRX1WaQEq
Dr. DENNIS ON CONCIOUSNESS********************
Stochasticity vs non stochasticty sleep vs wake states************************
New structure gives insight into mRNA export and cancers, and how viruses hijack the process to infect their host https://phys.org/news/2024-11-insight-mrna-export-cancers-viruses.html
New on-chip device uses exotic light rays in 2D material to detect molecules https://phys.org/news/2024-11-chip-device-exotic-rays-2d.html
Kin to Dr Denis Theory?
Where Does Cognition Live? https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-digital-self/202411/where-does-cognition-live
Mind-Blowing Discovery: Scientists Discover That Memories Are Not Only in the Brain https://scitechdaily.com/mind-blowing-discovery-scientists-discover-that-memories-are-not-only-in-the-brain/
Edge of Chaos Theory:
"A computer chip operating at the edge of chaos sounds like it might break down at any moment. But many researchers have theorized that the human brain operates on a similar principle."
Penrose vs Harris vs Scott: Are there multiple selves? https://iai.tv/articles/penrose-vs-harris-vs-scott-are-there-multiple-selves-auid-2995
Optimization algorithm gives laser fusion a boost https://physicsworld.com/a/optimization-algorithm-gives-laser-fusion-a-boost/
Algorithm > ANI(specific programming) > Rules-Based Systems(within explicit bounds) > ML(without explicit programming) > AI(open training data) > AGI > Sentience > Awareness(Feeling no Memory) > Conciousness(Memory & Feeling) > Enlightenment(General Conciousness)
Synthetic Life. Biological life
Artificial General intelligence.