Tetryonic Theory Materials

First you will need to download and print several of these templates.  Cut them out and assemble them as you go along in the lectures.  It's like painting with Bob Ross.  Have fun and be happy!


Disclaimer:  Tetryonic Theory is the intellectual property of Kelvin C. Abraham, Copyright 2008.

Download Quanta Templates:

Neutral Tetryon Templates 1024 X 768 300 Dpi Jpg
Image – 540.9 KB 32 downloads
Charged Tetryon Templates 1024 X 768 300 Dpi Jpg
Image – 543.4 KB 27 downloads

Principles of Quantum Mechanics

Principles of Chemistry

Principles of Cosmology

The Aufbau Process:

What you will be building:

Electron Fields Proof:

The models from CAD can be seen forming in the image above, although more still needs to be understood about exactly what we are looking at there, it is clear that the structures are eerily similar

To understand Tetryonics in its totality, you'll need a solid foundation in several areas of mathematics.  Here's a list, organized from the simplest to the most complex:


Topic Description
Arithmetic Understanding shapes, areas, volumes, and the properties of geometric figures.
Algebra Solving equations, inequalities, and understanding functions.
Geometry Understanding shapes, areas, volumes, and the properties of geometric figures.
Trigonometry Understanding angles, sine, cosine, tangent, and their applications.
Calculus Differential and integral calculus, including limits.
Linear Algebra Vectors, matrices, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.
Differential Equations Solving equations involving derivatives and integrals.
Complex Analysis Understanding complex numbers and functions.
Probability & Statistics Basic probability, distributions, and statistical analysis.
Quantum Mechanics Understanding wave functions, operators, and the Schrödinger equation.
Group Theory Studying algebraic structures known as groups.
Topology Understanding the properties of space that are preserved under continuous deformations. Studies properties of multi-dimensional spaces and their continuous deformations.
Tensor Calculus Understanding tensors and their applications in physics.
Non-Euclidean Geometry Understanding geometries that are not based on Euclid's postulates.
Advanced Theoretical Physics Applying advanced mathematical techniques to physical theories.
General Relativity Understanding the curvature of spacetime and Einstein's field equations to understand Gravity.
Electromagnetic Fields Describe the interaction between charges and magnetic fields
Special Relativity Special relativity deals with the constant speed of light and the equivalence of physical laws in all inertial frames.
Quantum Field Theory Combines quantum mechanics with special relativity and represents particles as excitations in fields. This framework includes complex concepts like virtual particles, renormalization, and the interactions between different fields, which makes it significantly more intricate.
Unified Field Theory Understand the principles needed to create a coherent framework for observables.
T-Theory A unified theory of 4D spacetime, matter, and energy.
Higher-Dimensional Algebra Physics of nD. Involves structures and operations in spaces with more than three dimensions.
String Theory Proposes that particles are one-dimensional strings instead of point particles, existing in up to 11 dimensions.
M-Theory An extension of string theory, suggests that our universe is a "brane" existing within a higher-dimensional space.

This list should give you a comprehensive roadmap for diving into Teteyonics. Each step builds on the previous one, so it's important to have a strong grasp of the basics before moving on to more advanced topics.

Kelvin Abraham on the Unified Field

Kyle Hill's Crash Course

Tetryonic University

T-Theory 101-115

The Doughtery Effect:

Luminal Mind - Discovery Academy - Richard Blankenship

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